Name * First Name Last Name Job title Q1. Which aspects of your role do you enjoy the most/ find the most rewarding? * Q2. Which aspects of your role do you enjoy the least/ find the most challenging? * Q3. What do you think you do really well? * Q4. Do you have everything you need to successfully carry out your role? * e.g. tools, equipment, office supplies Yes I have everything I need No, I'd like to discuss this in the review meeting Q5. Name at least one area of your role where you feel you could improve. Is there anything management could do to help you improve? * Q6. Looking forward, would you like to work within any other areas of the business? Or is there any way you would like to develop within your existing role? * Q7. Is there any training you would like to undertake? These could be short training courses such as first aid training or more comprehensive official qualification courses No Yes, I will provide details during the review meeting Q8. Where do you feel there is room for us as a company to improve? Any suggestions you might have for how your specific department could be improved? * Q9. Are there any other issues you would like to discuss relating to your role? Or how you feel about working at FH? * Q10. Suggest at least one goal for your development over the next 12 months * Q11. If the company were in a position to consider pay increases what would be your argument as to why you deserve an increase? * Q12. Every employee will be allocated a 30 minute meeting to discuss the content of their feedback forms and the responses given on this page with their line manager and HR, would you rather this meeting was done via Zoom or in person? * In person Via Zoom No preference Thank you! If you have requested a Zoom meeting with HR & a member of the board of directors, we will be in touch shortly to arrange this.