Grievance procedure
A grievance procedure is quite simply a way for all employees to discuss any problems, or air their views on any dissatisfaction that relates to their work. An informal discussion can often resolve matters, but if you wish to raise the grievance formally, it should be done in the following way.
Submit your formal written grievance to your Line Manager who will make every effort to hear your grievance within five working days. If you feel that you need help in putting your point of view across, you may ask a work colleague or an accredited trade union official to be present to help you explain the issue you are raising.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your meeting, tell the person who dealt with your grievance that you wish to take the matter further and intend to appeal against the outcome. Submit your formal written appeal to a Director not previously involved in the grievance decision within five days of receiving written confirmation of the grievance decision, including an explanation of why you are dissatisfied with the original decision.
Every effort will be made to hear your appeal within five working days and you may ask a work colleague or an accredited trade union official to be present to help you. Although the Company will always be willing to try to resolve your grievance as amicably as possible, a decision reached at the appeal stage is final.
Please note that the Company reserves the right to call on a third party to assist in resolving grievances.